I was going to post this back in March, but then I got sick.
It isn’t the next boy’s birthday yet, so I’m not behind!
My parents had arrived the day before E10’s birthday, and we
asked him which of the items on our must-see list he would like to do on his
birthday. He picked swimming with sea turtles – not a bad choice! It was spring
break, so the parking area and every other free parking area within half a mile
were packed, but we finally found a place that wasn’t too exorbitant and hiked
along the resorts and beaches until we got to the “hidden lagoon” (which isn’t
as hidden as it apparently used to be when it was named). It did not
disappoint: in addition to seeing sea turtles and a variety of pretty reef
fish, there was an endangered Hawaiian monk seal napping on the beach, surrounded
by caution tape which had been erected by a super informative volunteer. We
went to Pizza Hut for a late lunch, and then my parents bought E10 a bike at
Walmart while I went home and decorated his cake.
After he had figured out how to ride (it didn’t take long),
it was time for the piñata. He and P11 had been planning this for months, and
in the week before his birthday they made the entire thing by themselves. It
was a great success!
Everyone (except little E1) got a turn.
Once the candy had been scooped up and partially consumed,
it was time for him to open the rest of his presents. I really liked one with
paper models of Escher’s artwork to assemble in 3-D. He was particularly
excited by a new fishing reel.
After dinner, it was time for cake. I was really thrilled
with his request this year: he had read a biography of the Wright Brothers in
school, thought they were amazing, and wanted a Wright Brothers Flyer cake.
This is the child who, 3 years ago, could not read two words together without
doing a somersault in between them – it’s wonderful to see how he’s matured! My
rendition of the Wright Flyer using white icing, pretzels, and chocolate icing
for the propellers, was not as aerodynamic as theirs, but it was more
That really was a birthday to remember. We had such fun that day. I agree, it was a beautiful and delicious cake. Best of all is that you are all well again - thank God!